Thursday, February 28, 2013

"Be an opener of doors." Emerson

Ever since we have started designing the house, I have been obsessed with front doors, or La Porte d'Entree in french. For some reason, this has become a focal point for me, and I am determined to find the perfect one for our home.

Whenever we have traveled in France, I have marveled at the beauty of doors , whether on extravagant chateaux in the countryside, or simple cafes or shops in Paris. They all seem to have a richness...whether by color or detail.

If you follow the tenants of feng shui, then you know that the front door is the "mouth of the chi" in your home, or in other words, where the energy flows in. Accordingly, you should use this door frequently to let the good energy flow in.

The color of the doors makes a huge impact. Red is supposed to bring in high energy. It also carries a lot of symbolism, from a sign of a safe house during slavery days, to other religious connotations.

I've followed the building process of Vicki Archer at her home in Provence ( and I love the doors on the cover of her book:
I even like the "pop" of these yellow doors...
I pointed out this lovely purple door to Tony the other day, but he quickly vetoed the idea....but I still think it might be a possibility. Think of this door with a field of lavender surrounding...
I'll keep searching for the perfect door. It has to be substantial, rich in color and welcoming...any ideas? Let me know..

Until tomorrow...


  1. I like the yellow door and the purple door! :) I also like the idea of the lavender flowers as well!

  2. I love the idea of a deep color:) Thanks!

  3. LOVE the purple door!:)
